Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 2: sierpensky triangle and outside life

On day 2 we went outside of life academy and took pictures of what surrounded life academy and we also did a sierpinsky triangle. This is a big triangle with many lots o triangles inside of him as you can see right here.

On this other picture i have some flowers i took right outside of life academy. This are white tall flowers.I chose this picture because is really tall and the color is white and it combines with its background.This flower has a really complex shape because its not a normal shape like a circle or square.

on this next picture i have a plant i took right outside from life academy.I chose this picture because is one of the few plants that surround life academy.This plant has a pattern as you can see the leafs have a pattern they have a pattern on how long they are and how far away from each they are.Then because of that they come together and make a big plant.

On this last picture i have some flowers again i took hem fro outside life academy. i took this picture because is one of the few flowers around life academy.this flowers has a really complex shape because the shape of the flower is not a normal shape.


  1. Where was this i don't remember these plants in out trips? PEEL BACK BOYS!

  2. hahaha omg franky u so dumb!
    but anyways lobster you take
    nice pictures.

  3. The last picture is a great composition of similar patterns. Good work!

  4. I really like the picture of the Sierpinski Triangle. It iterates the smaller triangles. Also, looks similar to King Tut's palace.
